Signals Vol 13. NickL ❤️
What went into making this mix?
I was inspired at our last Sole Rehab party by a group of queens screaming Werk! at one another when time the beat dropped hard, turning it out for one another. I started digging through my tracks looking for ones that embodied that spirit. I began with those and wove in a few classics and a couple of unexpected tracks. One gloomy Monday afternoon in Rochester I threw some short ribs in the dutch oven and recorded the set in the office of our house while my husband sat at our shared desk doing his taxes and my pitbull puppy Bishop Big Paws slept in his crate. It’s not as technically perfect as i would like but rather than beat it to death redoing it again and again I decided to bless it and let it loose. I hope y’all enjoy it. It’s just a few seconds shy 69 minutes long, so it will fit on a cd, or something…
What is new on the horizon for you?
Our next party is April 28th
Stay tuned the boys and I have quite a few tricks up our sleeve.